
Portrait photography at St Dunstan in the East, London – Featuring Will Graham

Portrait photography - Sinister


I was recently in London to see a Wedding Photography client. Whilst there I thought I’d meet up with my good friend and sometimes unpaid assistant Will Graham and do a quick visit into the city for some impromptu portrait photography… 

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NSFW: Auburn Rose at Ariane Studio, Tamworth. Portrait photography by Nick Tsiatinis

Auburn Rose at Ariane Studio, Tamworth

Auburn Rose at Ariane Studio, Tamworth

It had been a while since I’d been in the studio, and as I’m doing a photo a day project this year I needed no real excuse to head over to Tamworth to see Geoff and the guys at Ariane Studio and take part in one of the fortnightly model group portrait photography shoots. Read on for more images – warning, NSFW content.

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Artemis Model Shoot at Smile Studio, Lincoln


Following on from my previous posts about Lena and ERosanne at Smile Studio in Waddington it’s about time I posted about the third model of the day, Artemis.

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ERosanne Model Shoot at Smiles Studio, Lincoln

Following on from my previous post about Lena at Smile Studio in Waddington I’ve now finally got round to processing some of the images from the other models who were at the studio (there’s the drawback of a packed schedule!)

The first model I photographed on the day was ERosanne (or Ros for short). She was a fantastic model who put me instantly at ease and was on hand to offer suggestions and inspiration throughout the shoot.

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Lena Model Shoot at Smiles Studio, Waddington

This weekend I was privileged to take part in an all day shoot at Smiles Studio near Lincoln. This post is about my shoot with one of the three models – Lena.

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