As it has seemed to turn into a bit of a tradition over the past few years, in the middle of April I ventured off for my annual landscape photography trip to Keswick in the Lake District. As last year I was meeting up and camping with a few photographer friends for what would hopefully be a great weekend of landscape photography and socialising. Unfortunately, after a dry spell, the weather forecast wasn’t looking great for the weekend we had chosen. So would it be worthwhile, or just a washout?
I’ve wanted to head to Bradgate Park recently in order to try out my new Canon 7D and 100-400L lens there, capturing some of the deer that freely roam the park, so for some completely unknown reason I decided to set my alarm for 6am on the day that the clocks went forward for British Summer Time with the sole intention of heading out for some early morning nature photography!
This morning I ventured out of the house nice and early to head off to Stanage Edge in the Peak District. A 5am start was in order for the 1 hour 45 minute drive to Derbyshire in order to (hopefully) get a nice sunrise!
After the previous evening at Priests Cove I returned to camp and checked out my maps to see where I would best be able to photograph a sunrise.
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