A couple of months ago I was contacted by the editor of Outdoor Photography magazine following a submission I had made a couple of months earlier. I was delighted to read that they wanted to commission me to write an article to accompany an image from a trip to Chesterton Windmill (which I have previously blogged about on this site) that they had chosen to go into their popular ‘Viewpoints’ section.
Today is a proud day for me as I’ve just been awarded the LSINWP distinction from the SINWP, meaning that my landscape photography has been judged by a respected panel to be “of a professional standard and demonstrates your ability to create images of excellence” and worthy of the Licentiate of The Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers.
Today is the grand opening of the Leicester People’s Photographic Gallery in the old lending library in Leicester City Centre (on Belvoir St opposite Fenwicks). It will be open from 3pm until 9pm and there will be a wide range of photographs from various local photographers on display.
I’m proud to announce that I will have three pieces on display, all of which are available to purchase. In addition I’ll be there myself today, so if you pop down then come along for a chat.
The website for the gallery can be found at http://www.lppg.info
I am delighted to announce that I will shortly be taking part in my first exhibition – at The Leicester People’s Photographic Gallery.